Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration

Hello, I have very exciting news for you. It may not have escaped your notice that I have lots of fashion illustration on this blog, and much of it is for the lovely Amelia's magazine website. Amelia is now releasing a book - "Amelia's Compendium of Fashion Illustration" which will feature my work along with many other wondrous illustrators, and combines upcoming ethical fashion with fashion illustration, all bound together in Amelia's inimitable maximalist style.
The book is out in time for christmas and can pre-ordered online {and with a discount!} here.
It's sure to be amazing, and if you like fashion or illustration or nice patterns and things, give it a go. Here is a sneak peek of my the first proofs of my work :

(Sadly the cover picture is not mine, but is courtesy of Andrea Peterson.)

Friday, 29 October 2010

Oh Comely

I have an illustration in the current edition of Oh Comely Magazine! 'Oh comely' is a very lovely magazine, full of interesting articles and art and people. Here is my illustration for the theme of 'Found':

It was a very quick turnaround so it's by no means perfect, but i'm fairly happy with it. If you want to see it in all it's glory with a bit of writing by me you can pick it up in WHSmiths! (I KNOW, exciting, yes?)

Thursday, 30 September 2010

bits and bobs

In my latest procrastinating file organisation session i found a few things I never posted on the blog, so here they are! Firstly some shoes i did for a best and worst purchase theme
the pencil drawings for my Tara Starlet illustrations

and a few old sketches for my sweden book (which is STILL ongoing, and still unfinished)

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

London Fashion Week S/S

Just a few illustrations for Amelia's Magazine's lfw coverage. I was fairly short on time so they're much rougher than my previous ones but i quite like that.

Kinder Aggugini:


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Book Spreads.2

Some more book spreads! The pages i have yet to do are roughed out, so you can pretty much get the story hopefully. Also i have an illustration up over on, which i'll upload at some point with some other fashion illustrations i think i forgot!

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Book spreads

SO finally an update with some book spreads! Sadly i haven't finished the whole book in time for my project hand in, so it looks like I'll be finishing it over summer. I'm about..70% happy with what i've got so far so here are a few of the opening pages:

There will be more soon, and hopefully lots of exciting other stuff too!

Thursday, 29 April 2010


I have been producing work for my book, but struggling with approach and materials, resulting in lots of nearly identical paintings- very frustrating. So here are two possible villages for you - i'm still not sure which one i prefer!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

The Light Which Can Be Heard

So, I have lots to do and have spent lots of time not doing it. However i have come up with a working title for my book which is 'The Light Which Can Be Heard' - a translation of the Sami term for the Northern Lights. I still haven't 100% finished a single page yet (aaaaa) but here is half a spread! This is worked up from the earlier character sketch i posted, painted in acrylics and stuff and then scanned in and changed around a bit on photoshop.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


So it's been a strange fortnight and i haven't got a great deal done. But I am now forging ahead with my Sweden-inspired childrens book and also another children's book with an author friend, which is very exciting. So hopefully there will be lots of finished work soon, but for now here are some sketches for my sweden book project:

This is the three goddesses of the lavvu rising from the fire smoke ( a lavvu being a Sami tent type thing). The goddesses are called Sarahkka Uksahkka and Juksahkka, and do all sorts of helpful stuff but also can make baby reindeers blind. There are lots of rules and customs to do with the goddesses and the lavvu, and lots of coffee traditions which I want to explore a bit, maybe as end papers.

This is my little character who is off on her slightly cold and miserable adventure!
I also have some more fashion week stuff left to post but that's for another day I think

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


So, after lots of fun illustrating for Amelia's Magazine it's time to start my new project! I'm aiming (i think) to make a childrens book, the inspiration for which will be sweden. I recently went to sweden and it was amazing, i love everything there (seriously -trees, houses, snow, lavvos, samis, husky dogs, reindeer, northern lights -amazing.)
Here's a small taster, i could upload about a million but that might get dull for you...

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Amelia's Magazine/LFW part 3!

Aaand here's my illustrations for the Julian J Smith catwalk and Camilla Sampson's lovely article (also to be found here)

Monday, 22 February 2010

Amelia's Magazine/LFW part 2!

Well it's been hectic! Here are some of my illustrations so far, you can see them over at the Amelia's Magazine blog in some of the great catwalk reviews.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


I was so excited i had to have a little practise! This is from the Marchesa A/W 2010, yum
